9. Sınıf İngilizce Ders Kitabı MEB Yayınları 42. Sayfa Cevapları
Poster one
a picture/scene on the cover √
b starring people √
c genres X
d age group X
e duration X
Poster two
a picture/scene on the cover √
b starring people X
c genres √
d age group X
e duration X
Poster three
a picture/scene on the cover √
b stars X
c genres X
d age group X
e duration X
a. Track 22 Complete the sentences with the words below. Listen and check.
Making invitation
Are you in the mood for a movie tonight?
Fancy joining us?
Why don’t we go and get a cup of coffee after school?
How about going to see the Iron Lady?
Would you like to …
Let’s see...
Accepting invitation
I think it is a fantastic idea.
Yes, I really like to watch a movie tonight.
Oh. What a great idea!
Thanks. That sounds nice.
Oh. I would love to do that.
Declining invitation
Well. I would love to but I can’t.
I’m sorry. I can’t.
Sorry, but I can’t make it.
That’s not a good idea.
I am not in the mood.
It is not my thing.
Yasal Uyarı: Yayınlanan yazıların ve haberlerin tüm hakları calisma-derskitabicevaplari.com'a aittir.
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