9. Sınıf İngilizce Ders Kitabı MEB Yayınları 80. Sayfa Cevapları
1. departures board 2. standard class 3. return ticket
4. fight attandent 5. aisle seat 6. arrival time
b. Write the opposite of the words from the box above.
1. business X standard class 2. window X aisle seat
3. single X return ticket 4. arrival X departure time
c. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word from exercises a and b.
1. I always ask for a window seat because I like the view of the clouds.
2. Famous people choose to travel in business class because they want to protect their privacy.
3. You can check the gate number from the departures board.
4. Can I have a single ticket to Berlin? I haven’t decided when to return.
Yasal Uyarı: Yayınlanan yazıların ve haberlerin tüm hakları calisma-derskitabicevaplari.com'a aittir.
1 yorum
6 Nisan 2016 09:51
Sizin sorunnunuz o koca poponuzun o koca kafanizdan büyük olması