9. Sınıf İngilizce Ders Kitabı MEB Yayınları 78. Sayfa Cevapları
1. Turn left at the first roundabout
2. Turn right at the crossroad.
3. Go straight down the street /hall /corridor. It’ll be straight ahead of you.
4. It’s around the corner on the right.
c. PAIR WORK: Use the vocabulary in exercise A and the airport map below to change the conversation. Then change roles.
CAR PARK: Turn left at the first roundabout. It’s on the left.
CHECK-IN DESK : Go straight down the hall. It’ll be straight ahead of you.
REST ROOM : It’s around the corner on the right.
INFORMATION DESK: It’s around the corner on the left.
MALL: Turn right at the crossroad. It’ on the right.
Yasal Uyarı: Yayınlanan yazıların ve haberlerin tüm hakları calisma-derskitabicevaplari.com'a aittir.
2 yorum
29 Şubat 2016 06:52
2 Mart 2017 09:42
Çok yardımcı oldu saolun